Remembering the uses for Equity Release is CHILD’s play

11th August 2015

My clients often tell me that there are so many ways that they can benefit from equity release, that they struggle to remember them all.

Equity Release could indeed be an answer to so many financial questions. The list is almost endless. However, in my experience, many of the uses can be categorised under one of five main headings:

  • C is for Children: Equity Release could enable you to gift funds to your children, perhaps so that they can get onto the property ladder
  • H is for Home: Equity Release could enable you to move to another property in retirement
  • I is for Income: Equity Release could provide a drawdown facility to supplement your finances when you need it, or an income lifetime mortgage could provide you with further income
  • L is for Lifestyle: Equity Release could be used to fund home improvements, purchase a new car, a dream holiday or holiday home, travel to see friends and family abroad, and generally to fulfil your lifestyle dreams
  • D is for Debts: Equity Release could provide a one-off lump sum to repay existing credit cards, loans, mortgages and all other existing debts

Equity Release could be an invaluable aid to all of the most important things in your life – your children, your home, your income, your lifestyle and your financial wellbeing. If you have any questions about the subject matter of this blog, or would like more information on any equity release related point, please contact Kevin Woods on 01489 454545 or contact

Why not get in touch and see how we can help?

Equity release could be the answer to some of your financial questions. If you would like to know more about it, and see if it could be the right option for you, please book an appointment or request a call-back

Providers include

Pure Retirement

Equity release will reduce the value of your estate and may also affect your entitlement to means-tested benefits. You should always think carefully before securing a loan against your home.

Unless you decide to go ahead with a plan, our service is completely free of charge, as our fixed advice fee of £1,295 is only payable on completion of a plan.

A lifetime mortgage is the most popular form of equity release, and is a loan secured against your home that’s typically repaid when you pass away or go into long-term care.