Over 10 years ago, Mrs Buckingham used Kevin Woods to release equity from her property to access much needed cash at that time. It was such a success that it left a lasting impression on her so that when her financial situation required attention once again, she did not hesitate to turn to this source of financial assistance, and of course contact Kevin Woods once again to see if he could help her with this new scenario.
Mrs Buckingham first took our equity release over a decade ago. However, when she recently discovered that she would have to retire earlier than anticipated due to an unexpected health complaint, she realised that her current financial situation would not support her leaving work so soon. She had no desire to move house, nor downsize to cut finances, so she turned to Kevin once again to see if the success of her previous equity release could be matched with a new application.
Kevin was delighted to hear from Mrs Buckingham and visited her and her mother in their home in Hampshire to discuss their predicament. She confirmed neither herself nor her mother wanted to move house, but required additional funds to serve as a supplement to Mrs Buckingham’s future pension. Kevin assessed her situation and searched the whole market to see which rebroke product would best serve her, given that she already had an existing equity release plan in place. A suitable plan was presented to Mrs Buckingham who was happy with the conditions of this new Lifetime Mortgage – another name for Equity Release – and the ball was set rolling again on this new application.
Solicitors were instructed, paperwork was signed, valuations were carried out and the lender’s requirements adhered to. With continuous support from Kevin and his assistant Samantha, the plan reached completion a few months later and Mrs Buckingham’s money was released. With a future drawdown facility in place allowing her to access up to a maximum agreed amount in the future as and when it was needed – subject to Lender specific requirements – Mrs Buckingham felt relaxed knowing that she could access additional funds as needed in the future after an initial lump sum was released on completion.
So how did the process go the second time around?
‘Everything went very well indeed but we knew Kevin wouldn’t let us down as he is a good man. He is as hardworking now as he was 10 years ago and always very kind. Samantha was a great help too and explained everything to us in a very clear way so we could understand some of the legal things. She would phone us to keep us updated on how things were going and always so kind.’
So, it really goes to show that good service does leave a lasting impression, even after a decade! Mrs Buckingham can now look forward to her retirement with a greater peace of mind regarding her finances and the assurance of knowing who to go to should she need any more help.
‘I would certainly recommend Kevin to anyone who wanted to use equity release to help their financial situation. And I know where to find him if I need any more help. He really is a star!’
Equity release could be the answer to some of your financial questions. If you would like to know more about it, and see if it could be the right option for you, please book an appointment or request a call-back
Equity release will reduce the value of your estate and may also affect your entitlement to means-tested benefits. You should always think carefully before securing a loan against your home.
Unless you decide to go ahead with a plan, our service is completely free of charge, as our fixed advice fee of £1,295 is only payable on completion of a plan.
A lifetime mortgage is the most popular form of equity release, and is a loan secured against your home that’s typically repaid when you pass away or go into long-term care.
We will be in touch as soon as possible to arrange a convenient time for a meeting, which is completely free of charge and without obligation.
I'll be in touch as soon as possible. If you'd rather call me in the meantime, please feel free to give me a call on 01489 45 45 45