‘Conscientious, proactive and dedicated;’ these 3 words were used by Mrs E to describe Kevin Woods after using his equity release services.
Mrs E first considered taking out a Lifetime Mortgage – the other common name used to refer to equity release – when she needed to seek funds to pay off her mortgage. She was initially nervous about it all and it felt like a really big decision. Having spoken with Kevin Woods and discussed her scenario, Kevin advised her that taking out a Lifetime mortgage for her situation would be the best option for her. She found working with Kevin to be an amazing experience.
‘Kevin goes above and beyond. I felt that he really worked hard to push things through and chased the progress of the case continuously to ensure that everything was actioned and processed as soon as possible. It’s in his nature it seems to help his clients and serve them well. It seems effortless for him.’
‘Kevin bent over backwards to help me. He returned to his office late that night after our meeting to process my application to ensure that I could have the interest rate applicable for that day which would have increased if he had left it to process the following day. He could easily have gone home that night but he chose to stay up late to secure the lower interest rate for me – how many people do you know who would do that for you?’
Mrs E is now relieved and ‘chuffed to bits’ with the outcome and is happy, happy, happy! She would certainly recommend Kevin Woods to anyone who was looking for an equity release specialist who goes ‘above and beyond’ to help.
Equity release could be the answer to some of your financial questions. If you would like to know more about it, and see if it could be the right option for you, please book an appointment or request a call-back
Equity release will reduce the value of your estate and may also affect your entitlement to means-tested benefits. You should always think carefully before securing a loan against your home.
Unless you decide to go ahead with a plan, our service is completely free of charge, as our fixed advice fee of £1,295 is only payable on completion of a plan.
A lifetime mortgage is the most popular form of equity release, and is a loan secured against your home that’s typically repaid when you pass away or go into long-term care.
We will be in touch as soon as possible to arrange a convenient time for a meeting, which is completely free of charge and without obligation.
I'll be in touch as soon as possible. If you'd rather call me in the meantime, please feel free to give me a call on 01489 45 45 45