Why not use our simple form to request an estimate of how much you can borrow?
Typically there are no monthly repayments to make as the loan plus roll up interest is repaid when the plan comes to an end. However, some providers have the option of paying all of the interest and some of the capital on an ad hoc basis.
Interest is rolled up, added to the loan and is repaid when the plan ends. Lifetime mortgages are for life, as the name suggests – there is no set term – so that you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you can stay in your family home until you or the last surviving applicant dies or moves into long term residential care.
Over time, the loan will increase in value, with the addition of rolled up interest, but this can be offset if the value of your property increases at a higher rate. We would recommend speaking to a specialist equity release adviser, who can explain the impact if your property increased or decreased in value over time.
““Hi Kevin, I am now settled in my new bungalow and can't thank you enough for the great deal you negotiated on my behalf. I honestly believe my purchase of this lovely bungalow would not have happened without you. Again my grateful thanks. ”
Carole Willison, Bournemouth
““Hi Kevin, I am now settled in my new bungalow and can't thank you enough for the great deal you negotiated on my behalf. I honestly believe my purchase of this lovely bungalow would not have happened without you. Again my grateful thanks. ”
Carole Willison, Bournemouth
Equity release could be the answer to some of your financial questions. If you would like to know more about it, and see if it could be the right option for you, please book an appointment or request a call-back
Equity release will reduce the value of your estate and may also affect your entitlement to means-tested benefits. You should always think carefully before securing a loan against your home.
Unless you decide to go ahead with a plan, our service is completely free of charge, as our fixed advice fee of £1,295 is only payable on completion of a plan.
A lifetime mortgage is the most popular form of equity release, and is a loan secured against your home that’s typically repaid when you pass away or go into long-term care.
We will be in touch as soon as possible to arrange a convenient time for a meeting, which is completely free of charge and without obligation.
I'll be in touch as soon as possible. If you'd rather call me in the meantime, please feel free to give me a call on 01489 45 45 45